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This is a list of my most recent publications. If you would like to read any of these papers and cannot access them, you can try my Researchgate profile here or get in touch and I would be happy to send you a copy.

Recent Journal Articles:

Journal articles


Natri, H…Pearson, A. et al. (2023). Anti-ableist language is fully compatible with high-quality autism research: Response to Singer et al. Autism Research


Pearson, A. , Surtees, A., Crompton, C., Goodall, C., Pillai, D., Sedgewick, F. and Au-Yeung, S. (2022). Editorial: Addressing Community Priorities in Autism Research. Frontiers in Developmental Psychology. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.1040446


Hobson, H., Poole, D., Pearson, A. and Fletcher-Watson, S. (2022). Opening up autism research: Bringing open research methods to our field. Autism: International Journal of Theory and Practice. 26(5), 1011–1013.


Pearson, A., Woods, R., Morgan, H. and Botha, M. (2021). Creating truly radical change in autism research: A response to Frith and Mottron. Autism Research. 14(10). DOI: 10.1002/aur.2605  


Lonbay, S., Pearson, A., Hamilton, E., Higgins, P., Foulkes, E. and Glascott, M. (2021). Trauma informed participatory research: Reflections on co-producing a research proposal. Gateways: International Journal of Community Research and Engagement, 14(1).  DOI: 10.5130/ijcre.v14i1.7728


Peer Reviewed Journal articles


Cage, E., Botha, M., McDevitt, L., King, K., Biscoe, L., Tucker, K. and Pearson, A. (2024). Diagnosis as a new beginning not an end: A participatory photovoice study on navigating an autism diagnosis in adulthood. Submitted to Autism: International Journal of Theory and Practice. 

Alderson-Day, B. and Pearson, A. (2023). What can neurodiversity tell us about inner speech, and vice versa? A theoretical perspective. Cortex


Glackin, A., Pearson, A & Davis, R. (2023). “You are the Expert of Your Own Experience”: A Thematic Analysis of Experiences of Autism and Gender Diversity in Adulthood. Autism in Adulthood.


Pearson, A. and Hodgetts, S (2023). “Comforting, reassuring, and…hot”: A qualitative exploration of engaging in BDSM and Kink from the perspective of autistic adults. Autism in Adulthood


Spaeth, E. and Pearson, A.  (2023). ‘A reflective analysis on neurodiversity and student wellbeing: Conceptualising practical strategies for inclusive practice. Journal of Perspectives in Applied Academic Practice.). 


Sulik J, Manalili MAR, Pearson A, et al. (2023). From Puzzle to Progress: How engaging with Neurodiversity can improve Cognitive Science. Cognitive Science


Bertilsdotter-Rosqvist, H., Botha, M., Hens, K., O’Donoghue, S., Pearson, A. and Stenning, A. (2022). Cutting our own keys – new possibilities of autistic storying in autism studies. Autism: International Journal of Theory and Practice 


Bertilsdotter-Rosqvist, H., Botha, M., Hens, K., O’Donoghue, S., Pearson, A.  and Stenning, A. (2022). Being, knowing and doing: importing theoretical toolboxes for autism studies. Autism in Adulthood.


Pearson, A., Rose, K. and Rees, J. (2022). “I felt like I deserved it because I was Autistic”: Understanding the Impact of Interpersonal Victimisation on the Lives of Autistic People. Autism: International Journal of Theory and Practice


Pavlopoulou, G., Usher, C. and Pearson, A. (2022). “I can actually do it without any help or someone watching over me all the time and giving me constant instruction”: Autistic adolescent boys’ perspectives on engagement in online video gaming. British Journal of Developmental Psychology.


Pearson, A., Rees, J., and Forster, S. (2022). “This was just how this friendship worked”: Experiences of Interpersonal Victimisation in Autistic Adults. Autism in Adulthood


Miller, D., Rees, J. and Pearson, A. (2021). “Masking is Life”: Experiences of Masking in Autistic and non-Autistic Adults. Autism in Adulthood. Online ahead of print. DOI: 10.1089/aut.2020.0083   


Pearson, A and Rose, K (2021). A Conceptual Analysis of Autistic Masking: Understanding the Narrative of Stigma and the Illusion of Choice. Autism in Adulthood. 3(1). DOI: 10.1089/aut.2020.0043

Pearson, A., and Hodgetts, S. (2020). Can Cerebral Lateralisation Explain Heterogeneity in Language Ability and Increased Non-right Handedness in Autism? Research in Developmental Disabilities. 105. 103738. DOI: 10.1016/j.ridd.2020.103738

Forster, S and Pearson, A.  (2019). “Bullies tend to be obvious”: Autistic Adults perceptions of Friendship and the Concept of Mate Crime. Disability and Society. 35:7, 1103-1123. DOI: 10.1080/09687599.2019.1680347

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